Judge: Mrs Dorothy Dorkins
Class A: 6-11 years
1st Chloe Horne, A very promising handler, very good table work and moves her charge at just the right speed. Don’t forget to present the dog to the judge after moving by standing your dog about 2 yards from the judge. In the challenge for Best Junior Handler your dog started to play up and you panicked a bit. Just relax and calmly settle your dog again. If you are calm and relaxed your dog will respond. Well done, Chloe, you have a natural talent and confidence will come in time.
2nd Felicity Newman, Worked hard to get the best from her dog. Moved her dog at the right speed and presented the dog well on the floor. Table work needs some practice and try not to let the lead dangle.
3rd Lydia Smith, Did very well with a young puppy, presenting her well on the table and moved her well. You need to make sure your dog is standing well when the judge is looking down the line.
Class B: 12-16 years
1st Ellie Smith, Also handling the young puppy, in her confident hands showed really well. Very nice table presentation, moved just right. You are a calm and relaxed handler that can get the best out of a dog without rushing it. That’s what won you Best Junior Handler. Well Done.

Photographs by Edwin Morgan.
Tel: 07703466407
email: Edmorgan@netcomuk.co.uk
Junior Handling Association Classes
Judge: Ian Rasmussen
I would like to thank the Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain for
inviting me to judge the Junior handlers at their 75th Anniversary show. I
found the quality of the handlers to be exceptionally good in a world
where it is getting more and more difficult to encourage youngsters into
our sport. All of the competitors could compete successfully in my own
country, and with the depth of quality handling it made my job even more
difficult. As we all know, Norfolk's are not always the easiest of breeds
to handle if the dogs decide they do not want to be there. Towards the end
of the classes it became obvious that some of the dogs were not all that
thrilled and it made the handlers work even harder to keep the dogs
focused. I took into account the amount of effort that the handlers made
to keep their dog’s attention as well as their actual handling skills. If a
dog does not want to free stand and stands there with its tail down, it is
no use to keep on baiting and hoping. When that happens, you may need to
Top and Tail the dog even though it is not the preferred method of showing
a Norfolk. My final decision to decide my winners ended up coming down to
who had the most rapport with their dog and the efforts the handler made
to keep the dog focused on the job at hand.
Class A: Junior Handling 6 – 11 years (4 entries, 2 absent)
1st Ebony Owen
2nd Chloe Horne
Class B: Junior Handling 12 – 16 years (5 entries, 2 absent)
1st Kristian Hitchen (Best Junior Handler)
2nd Rachael Benney
3rd Emily DaleJudge: Ian Rasmussen

Thank you to Linda Lyons of the Laughing Lyons Norfolks, Greenwich, CT USA for her photographs of:

The Norfolk Terrier Club of GB
Spring Open Show
Sunday 1st April 2007

with judge Annette Penny and owner Dot Britten

with handler Andrew Gullick and with co-owner Martin Phillips

CLASS A – Junior Handling 6 - 11 years
1. Chloe Horne.
CLASS B – Junior Handling 12 - 16 years
1. Kristian Hitchen, Best Junior Handler.
2. Emily Dale.
Photographs by Gina Dorkins

Chloe Horne, 1st 6-11yrs
Kristian Hitchen, 1st 12-16yrs and BJH
Judge Jon Rudkin
Emily Dale, 2nd 12-16yrs