Top Winners 2011


First: 3 points

Second: 2

Third: 1

Challenge Certificate: 5

Reserve CC: 4

Best of Breed: 6

Group 1: 10

Group 2: 8

Group 3: 6

Group 4: 4

Best in Show: 20

Reserve Best in Show: 15

*Best Puppy: 4

All points cumulative

*not added in general table. 
Best Puppy points are not counted in with the main points, but are added to the separate Puppy Table (plus the points the puppy won in general classes) to count for Top Puppy.

Top Winners 2011Top Puppies 2011Top Sires 2011Top Dams 2011Top Kennels 2011Top Breeders 2011


(Cherry Howard)