If you wish to buy a Norfolk Terrier puppy, you are advised to always make contact with a responsible breeder, either via the Club’s own Breeder List or via the Kennel Club website. You can obtain a copy of the Club’s Breeder List here in this section of the website, or by contacting the Secretary who will send you a copy via email or post. You should note that inclusion on the Club’s Breeder List does not constitute any form of approval, recommendation or accreditation on the part of the Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain. It is purely information about Club members who breed and may therefore have puppies available.
If it is at all feasible, you should be prepared to visit the breeder at least once before you collect your puppy. It gives you the opportunity both to make sure you are happy with the environment where your puppy has been reared and to ask questions. It also provides the breeder with the opportunity to be sure that you will provide the right home for their puppy. You should expect a rigorous examination and be prepared to offer references if necessary. Breeders have to be certain that their puppies are not passed on to unapproved markets or other possible undesirable destinations.
Although the Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain has no regulatory role in the sale of puppies from the Club’s Breeder List, we are keen to ensure that all the breeders on that list provide the highest standard of service in terms of the quality of the puppies they sell and the ongoing service to the puppy’s new owners, for the entirety of the dog’s life. If you are at all unhappy with any aspect of the service you receive from a breeder on the Club’s list, then please contact the Secretary in writing and the matter will be raised with the Club’s Committee.
The COVID pandemic has seen an unprecedented demand for puppies and an unfortunate consequence is that some breeders have taken advantage of this and are asking very high prices. The Club cannot regulate prices at all but the Committee, which includes some very well established and successful breeders, believe that you should currently expect to pay around £2,000 for a good KC registered puppy. Please consider very carefully before paying any more and similarly be very wary of much lower prices which may seem attractive, such as those on puppy selling websites, as it is quite likely that these may well not be purebred Norfolk Terriers.