News from the Club 2013

A Workshop Introduction to judging Norfolk Terriers with Eileen Needham. 

October 19th 2013

Workshop introduction to judgingWorkshop introduction to judgingWorkshop introduction to judgingWorkshop introduction to judging

t was good to see our webmaster Baerbel Lang in the audience, 
she had flown in from Germany for the Workshop.


Beverley Watkins writes in Dog World Breed Notes - 

The judging seminar for newcomers to judging the breed went very well. Eileen Needham had put together a very interesting power point presentation which must have taken hours of work. Eileen spent all morning and most of the afternoon passing on her vast knowledge of the breed to the people present. She briefly went through the history of the breed, what makes it fit for purpose, went through the points of the dog and the breed standard. I must admit that when listening to people like Eileen, who tells us exactly what judges should be looking for in a dog and even the basics of how to go over a dog, I wonder what some judges know about even the structure of the dogs under them. Eileen always says that once a judge has gone over a dog on the table they should have a good idea of how it will move on the floor. She reminded us that someone very good at trimming will be able to hide faults and this is why it is so important to have a good knowledge of the structure of the dog and to be able to feel with our hands. A discussion took place on the fact that Norfolks are not a ‘head’ breed, as someone once said after observing the breed being judged. We have all seen judges after a class has been judged then just go along the line and look at the head. Eileen also, very importantly, reminded budding judges to keep complete records of all their engagements as these will be needed in the future to enable progression on the judging list. The afternoon gave people a chance to have a good look at and go over some Champion dogs. Gail Simpson had been very busy organising the dogs which were needed and thanks must go to those people who brought their dogs to be used as models. Patsy Green had made the most delicious soup to go with the lunch and thanks also go to the people who spent time in the kitchen serving up numerous cups of tea and coffee and preparing lunch. All in all a very informative day and I think people went away with a lot to think about.

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Prize Draw

We have a prize draw to raise extra funds for the celebrations in 2014. Tickets are on sale now and will be until it is drawn at the 2014 Championship Show. A book of these raffle tickets has been included in the next newsletter (not valid until paid for!). 
Prizes are still being added - so far they include: 
- Norfolk model 
- near life size ceramic model by Gunilla Agronius 
- pictured in last newsletter 
- Photo shoot for your dogs with Ed Morgan 
- Plaque-off £50 tub 
- Dorwest ‘Keeper’s Mix’ tub and £5 voucher 
- Lillian and Stitch bespoke pet beds & toy box 

Tickets are £1 each (£5 the book) – payment, cheques payable to Norfolk Terrier Club of GB, and stubs should be sent to - Gina Dorkins, 18 Fleetwood Drive, Banks, Southport, Lancs, PR9 8HE.

Calendar Competition

What is it?
The competition is to find 13 pictures (one per month and the cover) to create a Norfolk Terrier calendar of our own! It will be the same size as the current calendars that are sold on the stand at 30cm square. The calendar will be for 2015 and will be sold from Crufts 2014 all year. Funds raised from the competition will be for the 2014 celebration fund. 

- each photo entered costs £5 (completely to the 2014 fund) 
- open to members only 
- each member can send in as many entries as they want (each photo at £5) but will only win once (unless we don’t get enough entries!). (this is a rule change from one per member) 

- Norfolks ‘at play’ – preferably just Norfolks; any dogs must be yours or you have permission 
- photo needs to be a resolution of 300 ppi (pixels per inch) at full size 
- a digital file version of the photo needs to be available if you win 
- photos should not have won other competitions 

Entry Details 
- photos need to be printed on A4 photo paper – but square to match the final dimensions
- name, address, phone and email (if available) on the back of each entry 
- cheques made out to The Norfolk Terrier Club 
- if you require your photo print to be returned, please include a self addressed, stamped, envelope 
- send photos and cheque to NTCGB Newsletter at 160 Alwyn Road, Bilton, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV22 7RA 
- all entries to be received by 30 November 2013 

- will be by an independent photographer who has experience as a canine-photo judge, recommended by Kennel Club 

Good luck! 

Closing Date – 30 November 2013

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We are sad to announce the death of Jon Rudkin of the Nathans Norfolk Terriers. Jon was President of the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB from 2001 to 2004.

Jon bred his first Norfolk champion, Ch Nathans Genesis Ragusa Prince by Ch Ragus Whipcord in November 1983 out of Janning Merrymaid; a second litter a year later from this bitch by Ch Vicbrita Bergamot was Ch Nathans Sparring Partner at Jaeva, she was campaigned by Martin Phillips. Her descendants include Ch Penmire Wild Bramble by Brickin. Jon bred his last litter of Norfolks in 27th May 2006. He judged the breed at championship shows.

Jon had been in poor health for some years but we were always so glad that he could make the Fun Days for his much loved, by owners and dogs alike, Sausage Catching Competition.

Gail Simpson writes: 
Jon's funeral will take place on Tuesday 6th August, in Leicester. I do not have any times or further details at the moment, so I would ask anyone interested in attending to get in touch and I will then let you have the details as soon as I get them.

Tel: 0116 2882881 Email:

Jon RudkinJon Rudkin

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To the Committee and members of the Norfolk Terrier Club.

Thank you very, very much for the wonderful parting gift that will remind me of all my friends in Great Britain. On the photograph I'm wearing the splendid precious Mojave Purple Turquoise Antique Design Bolo Tie. I will keep this very valuable jewel as a warm keepsake of the ten years web editorship together with Sally and Cherry.

It was is a privilege for me to work together.

Our co-operation was very good teamwork.

The (with an award winning) website now is good starting point for the coming years.

It was an honour for me to contribute my mite.

I'm sorry that I had to stop... "Partir c'est mourir un peu..." But the years do count...

I thank all of you for the friendship of many years' standing.

Kindest regards,


Piet van de Klis

Piet van de Klis


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The AGM of the Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain 2013

AGM 2013AGM 2013AGM 2013

photos by Andre Hess


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AGM 2013


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Following the retirement of Piet van der Klis as our Webmaster we now welcome Baerbel Lang 
who will continue Piet's good work.
Our thanks go to Baerbel and we wish her a happy future with us.

She is a club member, living in the south west of Germany together with her Norfolk Terriers, 
and breeding in a small way.


Thanks to Piet van der Klis.

In 1997 at our AGM in the Welland Valley Hall, someone suggested that we should appoint a webmaster, and everyone in the audience fell about laughing. What was a webmaster, something to do with spiders?

How things have changed. It was decided in 2003 that the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB needed to have a website. Sally Willbie and Cherry Howard volunteered at a committee meeting that they could produce photographs and relevant material. Frauke Hinsch from Germany suggested that Professor Piet van der Klis, the man who created her website might be able to help as webmaster as he was just about to retire from his job as a lecturer in the Netherlands.

Right from the start he has guided us, although he warned that he was not a professional, everything he has done has been of the highest calibre.   He designed the whole website and added many tips and hints of his own, and wonderful animations.

We have sent him photographs, articles, lists and countless amendments at all times of day and night, which he has meticulously updated every time. He has been so patient with our lack of web site expertise and in all these ten years has worked just for his expenses.

We are deeply grateful to him. 

There is a vast amount of information now available about the breed, and past years can be looked up in Archives.

Our threesome was rewarded by winning the Terrier Group in the Dog World Website competition in 2012.