Discover Dogs Earls Court
November 13th and 14th 2010
Thank you to all our volunteers and their great dogs who manned the Norfolk booth - it was packed all day with admirers of the breed and new comers keen to learn and was, as usual, a huge success.
As well as those mentioned below, Juliet Knight came from Liverpool with her friend Emma and Carolyn Hoare borrowed two charming puppies to do the Sunday morning with me. We had all the questions about coat and children but more than usual about the price of a puppy and, if a four figure sum was mentioned, the astonishment was extreme. I don’t know who enjoyed it all most, the people or the dogs – Mr Fudge did all right and at least he did it quietly.
I have asked Cherry, Linda and Karen to write a few words about their experiences and impressions of Discover Dogs this year.
Cherry Howard (Hatchwoods)
Sally Willbie had set out the Norfolk Terrier booth on the Friday evening before Discover Dogs and Chris Smith and I had the Saturday morning stint.
The Hatchwoods gang of Sparks and Connie with niece/half sister Hattie and veteran Dudley did stirling work, taking it in turns to be patted and ruffled, they valiantly kept the flag flying and their tails wagging, greeting every visitor, some crammed three deep. Sparks particularly keen whenever he saw a child - and there were a lot of them. After about an hour on duty, they were quite relieved to have a rest underneath in a cage, and let another dog take its place. There were endless questions on how long they were expected to live, do they moult, was the coat difficult to cope with, how often are they stripped, were they good with children etc. We handed out many breeders lists and information sheets on the breed. Several of our visitors had had a Norfolk or a Norfolk cross and all said what wonderful temperaments they had.
Linda Philip (Nordalset)
"Early Sunday morning Karen and I and our band of willing Norfolks - Welly and Maddy Philip, and Granny Pukka and Mr Fudge Hurrion headed for London and Discover Dogs.
Granny Pukka and Mr Fudge sat like angels on the table posing like professional models; Welly entertained the visitors by constantly sitting in the water dish and Maddy was available for endless cuddles from children and adults alike.
It was a great day and well worth the effort. We would encourage other Club members to get involved next year - you'll enjoy it! We did.”
Karen Hurrion (Villassa)
Discover dogs is an invaluable opportunity for any one seriously considering purchasing a pedigree dog to go and find out if the breed they have chosen would be compatible with their home and lifestyle. Over the two days many questions are answered by Norfolk lovers who are passionate about the breed but one important statementremains clear: they are TERRIERS. They do look cute and they are cuddly but for years they have been bred to work. Well behaved? Easy to train? Well you don't see many Norfolks doing obedience. When the opportunity arose during the two minute silence Mr Fudge tried to mate Granny Pukka, but hey, that's Norfolks for you!
Lovely people, super dogs, a wonderful day out. The more I do this the more I enjoy it.
Carolyn Hoare
Another fabulous day at Discover Dogs, I will never grow tired of this event it's such a wonderful day out and it's great to join in on the Norfolk stand.
As usual the dogs were excited and loved all the attention with the continual stroking and patting. It was Sam's first visit and she loved it and was a great help on the stand. She like ourselves can't wait until 2011.

Discover Dogs Crufts 2010
As the weeks grew closer to Crufts I was busy sorting photos for the booth and helping Gina get stock ready for the breed stand, and of course getting the dogs I was taking for Discover Dogs looking their best. Chick is the Queen of Discover Dogs and she was looking her very best and I thought I would take Misty too.
THEN a week before Crufts Chick came in season, so could not take her. Lily was next in line so started tidying her coat, then she came in season. I was running out of dogs, Flower had just finished her season but looked like a burst sofa, so I got busy trimming her. So in the end Misty and Flower came. All 4 days were busy but the weekend was the busiest. All the volunteers were wonderful. Their dogs were beautifully turned out and on their best behaviour, and put up with all the stroking and patting. Their owners answering the same questions time after time were good natured and informative. My thanks go to Christine Davis, Gail and Joan Simpson, Pam and Malc Dunn, Janet Howes, Sue Inman, Martyn Craddock, John Collins, Lisa Charnock, Roseli Rider, Jane Lloyd and of course Gina who helped me decorate the booth and helped on the booth all the days.
I hope to see you all again next year and we will do it all over again. WHAT FUN!
Dorothy Dorkins

(Photos by Gina Dorkins)