The Norfolk and Norwich Terrier Fun Day
Saturday 27th August 2022 at Baginton Village Hall
Report by Gail Simpson, NTCGB President and ‘MC’ of the Fun Day
First of all, I must apologise for the delay in getting this report and the results on to the website, no excuse really except ‘life’ in general, but that’s not really a good enough excuse, so apologies once again.
Well, what a day it was – thank you so much to every single one of you who came along, as without you and all your lovely dogs it would not be the spectacular day that it is. This year, we had outside caterers and I had promised them 100+ attendees in order to secure their services – at 10.30 when only about 30ish were on site, I was a little worried, but I needn’t have been – you turned up in your hordes and we had well over 150, with 105 dogs registered for competition. What a turnout!
The weather stayed absolutely perfect all day, lovely and sunny and dry. There were lots of new faces to meet and greet, as well as all the old favourites and I think every single person enjoyed the day. There were some beautiful dogs to meet, with some marvellous names if I recall and we had some huge classes, so thanks to all our volunteer judges. I was delighted that I was able to take my own dogs this year, as the Clarke family had volunteered to look after them for me whilst I was working – I went home with a 2nd in the Waggiest Tail and a 2nd in Handsomest Dog, thanks to Kate for handling!
I must of course also thank everyone who helped to run things on the day, in particular my co-presenter Martyn Howes (who you may have noticed actually does all the work whilst I just talk!) and Fiona Macartney and Katie Sant, who worked really hard to get all those 105 dogs registered. Not forgetting of course, Sarah Aldred, who took all the photos and presided over a Bronze Test for the KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme. We had seven dogs attempting the test in the lunch break, with two succeeding. The only thing the others failed on was the Stay and Recall, which was very difficult for any dog with all the distractions going on – hopefully there’ll be another opportunity next year, so keep practicing. I know I’ve probably missed loads of people who gave us a hand, so sorry if I haven’t named you, but thank you anyway!
Here’s the results of the day’s classes, with a few photos thrown in – there are loads more photos on the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB Face Book page if you want to see more:
Class 1 – Dog with the Waggiest Tail (Judge: Dorothy Dorkins)
1st AJ (Norfolk) – Iphin Rangson
2nd Riva (Norfolk) – Gail Simpson (handled by Kate Clarke)
3rd Lottie (Norfolk) – Sue Pinnell
4th Ozzy (Norfolk) – Amanda Moores
5th Orla (Norfolk) – Charlie Price

Judging gets off to a cracking start with a huge “Waggiest Tail” class – here are our winners
Class 2 – Prettiest Bitch (Judge: Mary McLure)
1st Ellie (Norfolk) – Henry & Annette Cowdrey
2nd Maisie (Norfolk) – Jackie & Arthur Giudice
3rd Toast (Norfolk) – Geoffrey Palmer
4th Orla (Norfolk) – Charlie Price
5th Elsa (Norwich) – Janet Wickings
Class 3 – Handsomest Dog (Judge: Frank Payne)
1st Cabhan (Norfolk) – Janet Howes
2nd Fletcher (Norfolk) – Gail Simpson (handled by Kate Clarke)
3rd Kasper (Norfolk) – Helen and Anthony Bestwick
4th Arthur (Norfolk) – Melissa Davies
5th Bill (Norfolk) – Stephen and Stephanie Johnson
Class 4 – Dog the Judge would most like to take home (Judge: Sarah Aldred)
1st Henry (Norfolk) – Ruth Gee
2nd Cheddar (Norwich) – Amy & John Morris
3rd Bradley (Cairn) – Adele Hunt
4th Bob (Norfolk) – Alice Barratt
5th Wallace (Norwich) – Jill Stevenson
Class 5 – Best Sausage Catcher (Sausage Tosser and Judge: Martyn Howes)
1st Oliver (Norfolk) – Rob Booth – winning the John Rudkin Memorial Trophy

Class 6 - Best Veteran (7-10 years) (Judge: Melissa Davis)
1st Dougal (x-breed terrier) – Sarah Aldred
2nd Ted (Norfolk) – Maha Sarkis
3rd Bob (Norfolk) – Alice Barratt
4th Tilly (Norfolk) – Helen & Anthony Bestwick
5th Tisy (Norwich) – Melanie Hickling
Class 7 – Vintage Dog or Bitch (11 yrs & over) (Judge: Sandra Martin)
1st Skye (Norfolk) – Lisa West
2nd Zara (Havanese) – Maureen Burrell
3rd Megan (Norwich) – Joyce Hillsdon
4th Harry (Norfolk) – Hong & David Marsden

Class 8 - Most Appealing Puppy (Judge: Tony Pinnell)
1st Wilbur (Norfolk) – Richard & Kate Clarke
2nd Betty (Norfolk) – Ruth Gee
3rd Pickle (Norfolk) – Karen & Francesca Phill
4th Percy (Norfolk) – Madeleine Howells
5th Stanley (Norwich) – Gill Hewitt

Class 9 – Best Family from the same Household
(Judge: Sarah Aldred)
1st Dora, Amelia & Mabel (Norfolk) – Fiona McCartney
2nd Milly & Mike (Norwich) – Lynn Davies
3rd Maud, Stanley & Lula (Norwich + Cocker) – Gill Hewitt
4th Fizz & Florence (Norfolk) - Wendy Watson
5th Alice & Barney (Norwich) – Jan Goodwin
Class 10 – Best Six Legs ( Judge: Jill Stevenson)
1st Bill (Norfolk) & Steven Johnson
2nd Ozzy (Norfolk) & Amanda Moores
3rd Stanley (Norfolk) & Poppy Ward
4th Harry (Norfolk) & Maureen Burrell
5th Leo (Norwich) & Paula Hadlum
Class 11 – Best 100 Miles or over Travelled (Judge: Ruth Gee)
1st Toast (Norfolk) – Geoffrey Palmer (from Cornwall)
2nd Tilly (Norwich) – Ian Hunt
3rd Alice (Norwich) – Jan Goodwin
4th Destiny (Jack Russell) – Irene Lisney
5th Ozzy (Norfolk) – Amanda Moores
Class 12 – Most talented Dog or Bitch (Judge: Andre Hess)
1st Leo (Norwich) – Paula Hadlum
2nd Ted (Norfolk) – Maha Sarkis
3rd Ozzy (Norfolk) – Amanda Moores
4th Dougal (x-breed terrier) – Sarah Aldred
5th Cheddar (Norwich) – Aimee & John Morris
Class 13 – Junior Handling (6-11 Years) (Judge: Lisa West)
1st Penelope Robinson with Nibble (Norfolk)
2nd Poppy Ward with Stanley (Norfolk)
Class 14 – Junior Handling (12-16 Years) (Judge: Lisa West)
1st Charlie Price with Orla (Norfolk)
2nd Lily Gee with Betty (Norfolk)
3rd Benedict Rangson with AJ (Norfolk)
4th Rose Ward with Stanley (Norfolk)
5th Bettany Lee with Bob (Norfolk)
Best Junior Handler - Charlie Price with Orla

Class 15 – Adult Handling (Judge: Alan Haynes)
1st Olivia Dragon with Ivy (Norfolk)
2nd Kay Dix with Judy (Norwich)
3rd Gill Hewitt with Stanley (Norwich)
4th Chris Davis with Sandy (Norfolk)
5th Alice Barratt with Bob (Norfolk)
Class 16 – Junior Fancy Dress (Judge: Iphin Rangson)
No entries
Class 17 – Adult Fancy Dress (Judge: Sanjay Chandron)
1st ‘Hairy Potter’ – Christine Tickle with Ollie (Norfolk)
2nd ‘Star Paws’ – Zoe Hunt with Tilly (Norwich)
3rd ‘Titanic’ –The Bestwick Family with Tilly and Kasper (Norfolk)
4th ‘Norwich City Terrier Army’ – Janet Wickings with Oliver and Elsa (Norwich)
5th ‘Penguin and Snow Dog’ – Wendy Young with Bonnie and Rosie Norfolk
‘The Three - Trevor Aldred with Dougal and Toby (x-breed and Norfolk)

Terrier racing – Winners
Any breed other than Norfolk or Norwich – Bradley (Cairn) - Adele Hunt
Puppy under 1 year – Strider (Norfolk) – Nikki Brittain
Dogs – Gordon (Norfolk) – Henry Long
Bitches – Aero (Norwich) – Terry Short
Veterans (over 7 years) – Ollie (Norfolk) – Christine Tickle
Egg and Spoon Race (Chris Moor Memorial Trophy) – Pebbles (Jack Russell) – Olivia Dragon
The Baginton Bullet (The Melbeck Trophy)
1st Cabhan (Norfolk) – Janet Howes 3.13 secs
2nd Gordon (Norfolk) – Zoe Long 3.26 secs
3rd Sandy (Norwich) – Chris Davis 3.39 secs
4th Aero (Norwich) – Terry Short 3.65secs
5th Arlo (Norfolk) – Chris Beaton 3.84 secs
Temptation Alley
1st Cabhan (Norfolk) – Janet Howes