This year it was the turn of the Norfolks to host this event, held earlier than usual on Saturday 23rd August, but we were lucky to have one of the few fine days of summer when the sun actually shone – for a time, although the grass was very damp with lush grass around the Village Hall of Baginton, which took on a very festive appearance with gazebos and people and dogs in groups around the edges of the field, watching the activities in the middle. More members than ever turned up this year with their Norfolk and Norwich Terriers, and hopefully the two Club stands did good business, the Norfolk stand now in the hands of Sally Brown, with lots of splendid goodies. Mrs Churchill who did the catering reported record sales of her delicious food.
Everything appeared to go on oiled wheels this year, thanks to a lot of work behind the scenes and on the day. Jon Rudkin was once again a splendid Master of Ceremonies, with Martin Howes stewarding most efficiently, Andre Hess and John Higgins set up the agility ring and John ran it all day, with dogs coming back for several attempts, gradually gaining more skill. Gina Dorkins made the prize cards, programmes, badges and entry sheets, and her mother, President Dorothy Dorkins helped to take the entries along with the Chief Co-ordinator Gail Simpson. Andre Hess and his nurses from his veterinary practise had assembled an amazing collection of prizes for the lucky winners and those placed in classes – what a contrast, here you paid 25p to enter a class and came away with a bag full of goodies, whereas at a general championship show you pay at least £20 a class, and big deal, you get just a bit of cardboard if you are successful! Andre also ran and judged the photographic competition and the quiz and provided lovely prizes which were hugely appreciated, while Judy and John Mackison with Gail’s mother, Joan did a splendid job selling tickets for the well-stocked raffle. The Fancy Dress classes were very popular, and racing went on till late in the evening.
Thank you everyone for making this such a happy day.
See you next year…
Cherry Howard

Team Norfolk and The Footballer

The Winner with Judge

Darth Vader & Chewbacca

1st, 2nd, 3rd

The Winner

The Winner

The Winners

Photographs by Gina Dorkins, Cherry Howard and Andre Hess.