The Norwich and Norfolk
FUN DAY 2005
It was the turn of the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB to host the Fun Day with members of the Norwich Terrier Club on Saturday 27th August.
The beautiful print of a Norfolk which was raffled, was won by one of our furthest visitors, Janet Wright from Scotland.
As a special class we held a You Judge The Dog Competition. Three Norfolk and three Norwich Terriers were paraded and secretly placed by Ch show judge, Dorothy Dorkins, while the 18 competitors watched from the side of the ring; the dogs were each moved so they could be seen moving up and down and from side view. Competitors were then invited into the ring for a closer inspection, before submitting their choice. The winner was the one closest to Dorothy Dorkins’s placings.
1st Dorothy Taylor
2nd Roy Dykes
3rd Stuart Dallard
The usual novelty classes were put on, ably controlled by Master of Ceremonies, Jon Rudkin, and assisted by super-steward, Sally Brown. We were most grateful to all the members who assisted in taking entries, running the obstacle course, manning the two Club stands and all those who helped with the smooth running of this event. Only one hiccup, when Jon realised he had left all the sausages in his fridge for the sausage-catching event…substitute bait had to be used instead, which some dogs did not appreciate so much – they had been looking forward to those sausages!
Scenes at the Fun Day

Photos by Cherry Howard, Andre Hesse and John Higgins
Principal winners:
Waggiest Tail:
1st Buffy (Nf T) John Wright
2nd Sparks (Nf T) Cherry Howard
3rd Izzy (Jack Russell) Helen Owen
4th Cassie (Nf T) Berryl Simpson
Prettiest Bitch
1st Izzy (JR) Helen Owen
2nd Buffy John Wright
3rd Mouse (Nf T) Shirley Jones
4th Cassie Joanne Colling
Handsome Dog
1st Hughie (Nf T) Cathy Laffey
2nd Teasel (Nf T) Liz Beaumont
3rd Tomogog (Nf T) John Higgins
4th Caiseal (Nf T) Janet Howes
Judge Would Most Like to Take Home
1st Lizzie (Nw T) Doreen Bell
2nd Mouse Alice Jones
3rd Kody (Nw T) Sue Wilding
4th Izzy Helen Owens
Most Like Owner
1st Libby (Nf T) Chloe Horne
2nd Keo (Nw T) Gennis Avill
3rd T Bright Cuff John Higgins
4th Lulu (Nf T) Caroline Hoare
Best Six Legs
1st Cookie (Fox T) Caroline Hoare
2nd Hope (Nf T) Gordon Chenery
3rd Doodles (Nf T) Poppy Kevelighan
4th Kloud (Aus T) Bryn Wilding
Sausage Catcher
1st Teddy (Nf T) Caroline Hoare
2nd Penny (Nf T) Nucusor Muldoon
1st Archie – 11 years Margaret Ruffles
2nd Pumpkin – 9 yrs Dorothy Taylor
3rd Maisie –7 yrs Dorothy Taylor
4th Cassie – 9 yrs Gail Simpson
Appealing Pup
1st Mouse Alice Jones
2nd Ginny (Nf T) Anthony Pinnell
3rd Kloud Bryn Wilding
4th Kullen (Csky T) Sue Wilding
100 mile Traveller
1st Bonnie -500 miles Janet Wright
2nd Lucy - 200, WHWT Angela Owens
3rd Teddy – 160 Caroline Hoare
4th Teddy – 150 (Nf T) Richard Hubbard
Best Family of Dogs
1st Norfolks Cherry Howard
2nd Nf Ts + WHWT Angela Owens
3rd Nf Ts + WFT Caroline Hoare
Junior Handler (6 – 11 years) Judge: Gina Dorkins
1st Alice Jones with Mouse
2nd Stacey Sargent Sudden (Nf T)
3rd Poppy Kevelighan Doodles
4th Sophie Beaumont Teasel
5th Chloe Horne with Libby
Junior Handler (12 – 16 years) Judge: Gina Dorkins
1st Nicusor Muldoon with Tuppence (Nf T)
2nd Charles Beaumont Teasel
Overall winner of Junior Handling: Nicusor Muldoon
Adult Handling. Judge: Nicusor Muldoon
1st Nanette Chard with Timmy (Cocker Sp)
2nd ? Tanner (Nf T)
3rd Mrs Jones Mouse
4th ? Milly
5th Mrs Horne Libby
Junior Fancy Dress
1st Alice Jones with Mouse as Snow White and one Dwarf (Dozy)
2nd Katie Wray with Louis
3rd Olivia Kevelighan with Doodles as fairies
4th Stacey Sargent with Breeze – Princess
Adult Fancy Dress
1st Sue Wilding with Whisper as Long John Silver and Jim Lad
2nd Pat Riechart with Aggie & Ben and Doctor and Patients
3rd Lynn Chenery with Hope as a School Girl
The Bagington Bullet for the fastest dog over the course:
1st Teasel
2nd Rosie
3rd Teddy (R)
Racing: Puppies:
1st Teddy R
2nd Google
3rd Louis
Bonnie beat Rosie
Cara beat Amber
Teddy beat Teasel
Jack beat Louis
Egg & Spoon:
1st Star & Sudden
2nd Cinders & Flicker
3rd Tanner & Brasso
My apologies if the racing results are not entirely accurate, but the paperwork was very muddled! Please contact web secretary if you know the final results.