“It was on October 4th 1964 that an emergency Committee Meeting of the Norwich Terrier Club was called, the agenda stating that it was for the "Creation of the Norfolk Terrier" and from then on the new breed and the new Club were in existence.” (Extract from “Why the Norfolk?” by Marjorie Bunting, published in the first Norfolk Terrier Club Handbook, 1968).
[More reading on how the drop-eared Norwich became the Norfolk Terrier can be found in Eileen Needham's 'A Short History of the Norfolk Terrier' under History of the Breed.]
Prior to separation, the breed was making slow progress and winning few honours in the show ring, but with a new name, its own Challenge Certificates, and the formation of the Club, the breed began a real renaissance that has resulted in the wonderful dogs we see today, both in the ring, and as pets. Great credit goes to the first committee who had not only struggled to keep the drop-eared Norwich Terrier on its feet but also laid the foundations that have made the Norfolk Terrier Club the success it is today. The Chairman of this first committee was Joy Taylor, twice President, who sadly died in 2006 and is still missed by so many who knew her.
The Club, now renamed The Norfolk Terrier Club of Great Britain, continues to go from strength to strength; at its inception in 1964 the membership was 125, now it is around 600 and has members all over the world.

The aims of the Club include protecting and promoting the interests of the breed and giving all possible help to owners, breeders and exhibitors of Norfolk Terriers. To this end, the Club:
Produces a Handbook every two years and a regular Newsletter, both of which are always eagerly anticipated by both exhibitors and pet owners.
Organises two Open Shows and one Championship Show annually;
Holds an annual Fun Day in conjunction with the Norwich Terrier Club;
Organises workshops and seminars on a variety of canine subjects, including judging the breed and coat care;
Offers Norfolk Terrier inspired merchandise through the Club Breed Stand (available at Club events and by mail order. The Stand has won Best Terrier Stand at Crufts 2007, 2016-2022) ;
Organises Club members to represent the breed at Discover Dogs at Crufts in March and at Excel London in October/November ;
Maintains a Club Breeder List to assist prospective owners to find a Norfolk Terrier from a reliable source;
Operates Norfolk Terrier Rescue to, wherever possible, assist Norfolk Terriers in need of rescue and/or rehoming anywhere in GB;
Operates The Storm Fund, to assist Norfolk Terrier owners who may be struggling to care for their Norfolk Terrier in times of emergency.